A Christmas Message from Johnny Shitterowski

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate this day. To those who don’t celebrate this day, let the spirit of the day not be lost…the spirit of the day is the point. On the chance that someone somewhere may be having too much fun today I’m going to inject into your Christmas Day this little message right here.

Does it really matter that Jesus may not have been born on this day and we’re being fed another bullshit story? And that much of the ritual of Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus? Like what the hell do “bows of holly” or the Christmas tree have to do with Jesus? Nothing. They’re most likely all carryovers of pagan rituals of western Europe. 

I really don’t give a fat rats ass about all those “facts” (read them here). I’d miss the point of Christmas if I did. The point is just as valid today as it should be everyday. It goes something like this right here: go out and do something good for someone other than yourself and shut up. The most important part of the exercise is the “shut up” part. If you do something good for someone and brag about it then you’re really trying to hijack it for yourself.  You’re still just a self-centered asshole.

Service to the common good is one virtuous way to spend your time. If you’re serving this great country overseas on this day then you’ve done more than most on this one day than others will do in a lifetime.

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